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angel of water colon hydrotherapy machine
Enquiry Now!What is Angel Of Water Colon Hydrotherapy Machine?
(A) Angel Of Water Colon Hydrotherapy Machine (also known as colon, colon cleansing and colon douche) is a natural, holistic and safe, effective method of removing affected, decaying waste from the colon without the use of drugs. Triple filtered and tempered water was used to enter the colon. The waste/feces is softened and loosened so that adequate evacuation can take place through natural peristalsis (muscle contraction that allows the waste to pass through the intestines). A small inflow of water and the release of waste and water is constantly repeated, causing unhealthy substances to empty the colon. The removal of waste promotes the improvement and elimination of colon function. FDA approved ANGEL OF WATER; state-of-the-art colon hydrotherapy equipment to ensure your relaxed, comprehensive and safe health elimination of toxic debris. Colon hydrotherapy is one of the most effective ways to cleanse the lower intestinal tract (colon) and detoxify the entire system.
Colon, what’s the difference between Angel Of Water Colon Hydrotherapy Machine and colonic douche?
(A) All of these terms describe the cleansing of the colon. All of these terms describe the cleansing of the colon. I prefer the term “Angel Of Water Colon Hydrotherapy Machine” which is the same term used by the International Association of Angel Of Water Colon Hydrotherapy Machine (I-ACT) and I have been tested with and certified by a Angel Of Water Colon Hydrotherapy Machine specialist. All terms are acceptable.
angel of water colon hydrotherapy machine
colon hydrotherapy machine for home use
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How do the Angel Of Water Colon Hydrotherapy Machinea very simple, safe, comfortable and hygienic way to irrigate the colon for endoscopic, radiological or other medical purposes. The following sequence of events briefly describes the colonic irrigation procedure.
The tank contains hot and cold water, which is controlled by a water mixing valve on the upper right side of the basin. The proper temperature of the water is between 99 degrees and 103 degrees Fahrenheit and is monitored by a temperature gauge visible on the front of the tower cabinet. If the water rises above 103 degrees Fahrenheit at any time, the temperature sensor will trigger the flow valve to close, thus stopping the delivery of water to the customer.
The water flow can be activated by turning on the FLOW switch after the servant has placed himself comfortably on the sink (pillows and cushions are in place) and inserted the nozzle into the rectum. Simply set the FLOW switch to OFF to stop the water flow at any time. The tank line to the tap has an anti-return valve that acts as a permanent plumbing safety protection. It is located under the fiberglass basin and is connected directly to the basin mouth through an opening in the basin wall. Once the water passes through the basin pacifier into the nozzle and into the customer’s rectum, it prevents the water from flowing back down the line.
The system utilizes controlled pressure generated by gravity as the water leaves the high level tank in the tower cabinet by activating the FLOW switch. The program can be stopped at any time by simply turning off the FLOW switch to stop the gravity fed water, or by a person simply sliding the nozzle back and placing it on the water basin.
A typical colon hydrotherapy session lasts about 30-40 minutes and uses about 10 gallons of water, which is the total capacity of the main water tank. Usually, only a water tank filled with water is needed. At the end of the session, all three switches (U.V., CYCLE, FLOW) are off and the client slides back from the nozzle, causing it to fall off him naturally.
The client can now drain comfortably on an ergonomic basin and can sit up straight or recline in a reclining chair to drain the colon completely. Once this is done, the customer can flush themselves using the personal shower head and its control valve located on the upper left basin. The tempered water is delivered to the nozzle through the same water mixing valve on the upper right side of the water basin, which also delivers water to the system tank. The client can then dry herself off before dressing herself and leaving the privacy of the colon douche room. work?
The Hydrocolon Machine Surround® Colon Hydrotherapy System Angel is a very simple, safe, comfortable and hygienic way to irrigate the colon for endoscopic, radiological or other medical purposes. The following sequence of events briefly describes the colonic irrigation procedure.
The tank contains hot and cold water, which is controlled by a water mixing valve on the upper right side of the basin. The proper temperature of the water is between 99 degrees and 103 degrees Fahrenheit and is monitored by a temperature gauge visible on the front of the tower cabinet. If the water rises above 103 degrees Fahrenheit at any time, the temperature sensor will trigger the flow valve to close, thus stopping the delivery of water to the customer.
The water flow can be activated by turning on the FLOW switch after the servant has placed himself comfortably on the sink (pillows and cushions are in place) and inserted the nozzle into the rectum. Simply set the FLOW switch to OFF to stop the water flow at any time. The tank line to the tap has an anti-return valve that acts as a permanent plumbing safety protection. It is located under the fiberglass basin and is connected directly to the basin mouth through an opening in the basin wall. Once the water passes through the basin pacifier into the nozzle and into the customer’s rectum, it prevents the water from flowing back down the line.
The system utilizes controlled pressure generated by gravity as the water leaves the high level tank in the tower cabinet by activating the FLOW switch. The program can be stopped at any time by simply turning off the FLOW switch to stop the gravity fed water, or by a person simply sliding the nozzle back and placing it on the water basin.
A typical colon hydrotherapy session lasts about 30-40 minutes and uses about 10 gallons of water, which is the total capacity of the main water tank. Usually, only a water tank filled with water is needed. At the end of the session, all three switches (U.V., CYCLE, FLOW) are off and the client slides back from the nozzle, causing it to fall off him naturally.
The client can now drain comfortably on an ergonomic basin and can sit up straight or recline in a reclining chair to drain the colon completely. Once this is done, the customer can flush themselves using the personal shower head and its control valve located on the upper left basin. The tempered water is delivered to the nozzle through the same water mixing valve on the upper right side of the water basin, which also delivers water to the system tank. The client can then dry herself off before dressing herself and leaving the privacy of the colon douche room.
Why cleanse the colon?
Irrigating the colon does not sound pleasant, but practitioners claim that colon irrigation can provide many health benefits, such as improved digestion and weight loss. However, performing a colon cleansing is not without risks. As with most lifestyles, it should be handled with caution and with full knowledge of its potential dangers.
Benefits of Colonic Spa
Colon water therapy promotes weight loss; improves metabolic function; increases energy and vitality; improves muscle tone in the colon; removes hardened waste, mucus and toxins; restores proper pH balance in the body; strengthens the immune system; re-colonizes the colon with good bacteria; promotes recovery from normal, regular bowel movements; cleanses and purifies the blood; reduces gas and bloating; removes Candida yeast; eliminates depression; clears headaches and migraines; clears skin problems; increases mental clarity; promotes healthy food cravings; adds freshness and enthusiasm.
I am a strong supporter of colonic hydrotherapy. I recommend it to my clients for weight loss, recovery and rejuvenation. I have found colon and other therapies to be very helpful throughout my pregnancy. Colonic hydrotherapy makes me feel more relaxed, healthier and more emotionally balanced. Combining these therapies with healthy eating habits and a vegan lifestyle can be perfect for self-empowerment and longevity.
– Evita Ramparte – journalist, coach and mother
Where do I need a Angel Of Water Colon Hydrotherapy Machine?
Colonic hydrotherapy is a natural evolution of enemas, which have been popular among the aristocracy for thousands of years for weight loss, longevity, increased metabolism, improved sleep and gastrointestinal function. In this day and age, the elimination of subhealth requires major issues in life and work. The MAIKON Colon Hydrotherapy Machine with mineralization and filtration, tap water will be mineralized and filtered into micro-molecular active water so that trace elements can be added to the water the body needs. After filtration, the mineral water is heated to 37°C with a heating device. Water is then injected into the human colon through a connected hydrotherapy head. The water attenuates and dissolves the waste in the colon. At the same time, water stimulates peristalsis in the intestines and the waste mixture is excreted. Finally, this establishes ecological balance in the body. Natural and ecological traits are a new type of treatment that includes therapy, rehabilitation and physical health.
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