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Colonic irrigation instruments Here Quick Way to Know it
Enquiry Now!what is Colonic irrigation instruments?
Colonic irrigation instruments, also known as colon cleansing or colonic irrigation, is often practiced as a form of alternative medicine. The claimed purpose of the procedure is to remove toxin, lose weight, prevent diseases, relieve constipation, promote general health and well-being. It is known that such procedure commonly involved the use of “Colonic Irrigation Systems” , which are medical devices originally intended for bowel preparation before radiological or endoscopic procedures. The client generally lies down on the hydrotherapy bed and the filtered constant temperature water is pumped through the rectum via a tube. Fluids and waste are expelled through another tube. A large volume of fluid, up to 60 litres would be introduced into the colon via the rectum. The procedure may be repeated several times.
Colon hydrotherapy is also called intestinal lavage, which use filter water to thoroughly clean colon and eliminate toxins in the body. It has the function of improve constipation, correct diarrhea, adjust intestinal flora imbalance, and prevent bowel cancer. And it also has the effects of beauty, skin care, weight loss, and regulation of endocrine disorders.
Colon hydrotherapy is popular used in American and European hospital, clinic and beauty club. It is becoming a popular beauty and detoxification method and is treated the hottest Physical and natural therapy for colon and body healthy.
What Colon Cleanse can do?
The ultimate goal of a colon cleanse — whether it’s a type of enema or a colonic — is really to help the digestive organs do their job in the best way possible, managing things that get in the way and interfere with normal bowel functions.
If you’re not having at least one bowel movement every day, this makes you a good candidate for a colon cleanse. It’s well-known that a variety of health problems stem from poor digestive health — for example, stomach pains, abdominal cramps, fatigue, constipation, low energy, headaches and allergic reactions can all be traced back partially to problems with waste elimination.
There are many different methods for performing a colon cleanse, which sometimes go under the names colonic, colonic irrigation, colon therapy or colonic hydrotherapy. You can also effectively flush the colon do something like a juice fast, salt water flush or performing an enema. Colon cleanses are split into two main categories: one type requires that a professional perform the cleanse, while the other involves using a solution or supplement at home.
Colonics are thought to be one of the most productive and thorough colon cleanses, since they target the entire colon.
Enemas work by cleansing the colon with liquid (usually water), which helps flush out accumulated waste. Compared to colonics, they’re usually milder and target a specific region of the colon (the left side, or descending colon) as opposed to the whole colon.
The idea behind hydrotherapy is that water itself has healing abilities, and when combined with other substances like coffee or salt, it also supplies essential nutrients like various antioxidants or trace minerals.
How Different Colon Cleanses Compare
Colon cleanses and colonics can take anywhere from 20–90 minutes, depending on which kind you decide to try. Some people react more quickly and experience better results than others, but keep in mind that colon cleanses might become more effective and easier the more often you do them. At first, it might seem difficult to insert much liquid and hold it in, but you might find colon cleanses become more beneficial as you learn how to do them properly with practice.
To understand the different options you have in regard to various colon cleanses, it helps to have some background of how different types work and affect your digestive system. First off, keep in mind that water isn’t the only substance used during colon cleansing. Various saline formulas, herbs or acidic solutions are also used to flush waste.
Here’s the basics of how popular colon cleanse techniques work:
Colonics have been performed for over 100 years and are done by hygienists or colon hydrotherapists. These treatments are sometimes called “colon irrigation” and are normally done at a treatment center outside the home.
Colonics use a high quantity of water to flush the colon. They usually require the most water of all colon cleanses — for example, about the same amount you’d use if you performed 12 enemas.
Of all colon cleanses, they’re thought to be one of the most productive and thorough, since they target the entire colon. The drawback is that they’re performed by a professional outside the home and take about one to two hours in total for each session. This can become costly since each session can cost $50 or more.
There are several types of colonics available, including those that use gravity and pressurized machines. A gravity colonic is the most basic and uses water that enters the colon by force of gravity, as opposed to a machine. Gravity colonics are done by controlling the in and out flow of water into the rectum while massaging the abdomen to help break up stool and encourage the muscles to relax and release.
During a colonic you lay flat on a table and the professional inserts a lubricated, small speculum into your colon, which is attached to two tubes that control the release of water in and out. Often you will be left alone, given the option to help control the release of the liquid yourself. You might also be able to view what’s coming out if you’d like to. After the colonic is over, you can use the bathroom until you’re comfortable.
Pressurized colonics are different than gravity-controlled ones because the flow is controlled by a machine, which makes them a bit less gentle.
Colonics vs. Enemas
Compared to colonics, which are done at a clinic and the under supervision of a professional, enemas can be performed at home in private. This makes enemas an attractive option for people who aren’t very comfortable with the idea of visiting a specialist for this matter. They’re also inexpensive, and kits can be bought at any drug store.
Enemas work by cleansing the colon with liquid (usually water), which helps flush out accumulated waste. Compared to colonics, they’re usually milder and target a specific region of the colon (the left side, or descending colon) as opposed to the whole colon.
It’s easiest and most common to perform an enema with water, but you can also do one using a saline solution, apple cider vinegar, hydrogen peroxide or even coffee, believe it or not.
To perform an enema, you insert the pointed tip into your own colon, control the release of liquid, and then lay down and wait until you have the urge to use the bathroom, which might happen several times over the course of one to two hours.
Hydrotherapy is the term for “the use of water to treat a disease or to maintain health.” The idea behind hydrotherapy is that water itself has healing abilities, and when combined with other substances like coffee or salt, it also supplies essential nutrients like various antioxidants or trace minerals.
The use of water in hydrotherapy to cleanse the colon is basically the same as an enema or colonic. The water helps expel waste, can relieve constipation, improve energy levels, treat dehydration and sometimes provide important minerals safely.
How Colonic irrigation instruments working?
Working Principles of Colonic irrigation instruments:
Colon Hydrotherapy or (Colonic Irrigation as it’s commonly known) is way of cleansing the Colon (bowels) by using Cool + Warm Water.
1/ Piles
2/ Irritable Bowel Syndrome
3/ Anal Fissures
4/ Constipation etc.
5/ Bowel Cancer
How to use the Colonic irrigation instruments?
The Patient/Client undresses from the waist down and is properly draped during session. A small colon cleansing nozzle is gently and easily inserted in privacy. Colon cleansing nozzle are ‘size of a pencil’, single use, and disposed of after use.
Colonic irrigation instrumentsbar2
Water flows through a Carbon Filter which removes any sediment, rust, or chlorine. The water is purified by an Ultra Violet Purification System, before it passes through the colon cleansing nozzle. Water flows gently into the rectum and waste releases naturally.
A gentle slow rate of UV purified-temperature safe water is fed from the gravity-fed Column. Less than TEN gallons of water may be used during the session at a safe temperature of 98 F. to 102 F. (36.8ºC to 38.ºC) (Water temperature is safely controlled and adjusted). An Odor Exhaust System insures that the session room and entire center remains odor free. (Odor System is included with the purchase of the Colonic irrigation instruments Device)
Colonic irrigation instruments base (table) has over three feet of clear viewing tube, which allows the patient/client and the therapist to easily view (without any odor) the waste during releases.
A rinsing sprayer is used to rinse bottom after session. Sessions last approximately 45 minutes. Modesty is protected at all times.
A trained colon hydro therapist is always nearby to monitor and provide patient/client assistance and comfort as needed.
After each session the Colonic irrigation instruments is easily and safely disinfected.
What price of Colonic irrigation instruments?
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