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Machine nettoyage colon Here Quick Way to Get
Enquiry Now!What is machine nettoyage colon?
Colon therapy History
Colon therapy dates back to ancient Egyptian times and was used as a “cleansing ritual” to eliminate the toxins in the body believed to cause disease and death, according to the American Cancer Society, or ACS. In the 19th century, the theory of “autointoxication” gained momentum, and laxatives, purges and enemas gained popularity as a means of removing the accumulated waste from the large intestines. In the 1920s to 1930s, the use of hydrocolon cleansing grew in the United States with the modernization of irrigation machines in the health-care facilities.
machine nettoyage colon, also known as colon cleansing or colonic irrigation, is often practiced as a form of alternative medicine. The claimed purpose of the procedure is to remove toxin, lose weight, prevent diseases, relieve constipation, promote general health and well-being. It is known that such procedure commonly involved the use of “Colonic Irrigation Systems” , which are medical devices originally intended for bowel preparation before radiological or endoscopic procedures. The client generally lies down on the hydrotherapy bed and the filtered constant temperature water is pumped through the rectum via a tube. Fluids and waste are expelled through another tube. A large volume of fluid, up to 60 litres would be introduced into the colon via the rectum. The procedure may be repeated several times.
What Colon Cleanse can do?
The ultimate goal of a colon cleanse — whether it’s a type of enema or a colonic — is really to help the digestive organs do their job in the best way possible, managing things that get in the way and interfere with normal bowel functions.
If you’re not having at least one bowel movement every day, this makes you a good candidate for a colon cleanse. It’s well-known that a variety of health problems stem from poor digestive health — for example, stomach pains, abdominal cramps, fatigue, constipation, low energy, headaches and allergic reactions can all be traced back partially to problems with waste elimination.
There are many different methods for performing a colon cleanse, which sometimes go under the names colonic, colonic irrigation, colon therapy or colonic hydrotherapy. You can also effectively flush the colon do something like a juice fast, salt water flush or performing an enema. Colon cleanses are split into two main categories: one type requires that a professional perform the cleanse, while the other involves using a solution or supplement at home.
Colonics are thought to be one of the most productive and thorough colon cleanses, since they target the entire colon.
Enemas work by cleansing the colon with liquid (usually water), which helps flush out accumulated waste. Compared to colonics, they’re usually milder and target a specific region of the colon (the left side, or descending colon) as opposed to the whole colon.
The idea behind hydrotherapy is that water itself has healing abilities, and when combined with other substances like coffee or salt, it also supplies essential nutrients like various antioxidants or trace minerals.
Machine nettoyage colon How to Work
When the weakly alkaline water that has been purified enters the intestinal tract, the weak alkaline reacts with the acidic substance to balance the acid and alkali of the human body, changes the living environment of the harmful bacteria, excreting toxins, and softening under water immersion. And with the water out of the body.
When the weakly alkaline water that has been purified enters the intestinal tract, the weak alkaline reacts with the acidic substance to balance the acid and alkali of the human body, changes the living environment of the harmful bacteria, excreting toxins, and softening under water immersion. And with the water out of the body.
The machine nettoyage colon MAIKON ® machine nettoyage colon is a very simple, safe, comfortable, and hygienic way to irrigate the colon for endoscopic, radiological, or other medical purposes. The following sequence of events briefly describes the colon irrigation procedure.
The tank is filled with hot and cold water controlled by a water mixing valve on the basin right topside. The proper temperature of the water falls between 99 -103 degrees Fahrenheit and is monitored by the temperature gauge visible on the front of the tower cabinet. If at any time the water rises above 103 degrees Fahrenheit, the temperature sensor will trigger the flow valve to shut off, stopping water flow to the client.
After the client has comfortably positioned himself on the basin (with the pillow and cushioned backrest in place) and inserted the nozzle into the rectum, water flow can be activated by turning ON the FLOW switch. Water flow can be stopped at any time by simply turning the FLOW switch OFF. The tank line to the basin nipple has a backflow prevention valve as a permanent plumbing safety feature. It is located underneath the fiberglass basin and is connected directly to the basin nipple through an opening in the basin wall. It prevents water from flowing back into the line once it has passed through the basin nipple into the nozzle and into the client’s rectum.
Machine nettoyage colon Here Quick Way to Get
Colonic Machine Deutsch What it Why It and Cost?
The System utilizes the controlled pressure created by gravity as water exits the elevated tank in the tower cabinet as activated by the FLOW switch. The procedure can be stopped at any time by simply turning off the FLOW switch to stop the gravity-fed stream of water or by the person simply sliding back off the nozzle and resting on the basin.
A typical colon hydrotherapy session lasts approximately 30-40 minutes and uses approximately 10 gallons of water, which is the total volume capacity of the main tank. Usually, only one tank full of water is needed. At the end of the session, all three switches (U.V., CYCLE, FLOW) are turned OFF and the client slides back off the nozzle so that it naturally drops away from his body.
The client can now drain comfortably on the ergonomic basin, sitting up erect or leaning back in a lounge position to fully drain her colon. After this is done, the client can rinse himself using the personal shower sprayer and its control valve located on the basin left topside. Tempered water is delivered to the sprayer by the same water mixing valve on the right topside of the basin that also sends water to the System tank. The client can then towel herself dry before dressing and leaving the privacy of the colon irrigation room.
How can machine nettoyage colon help? (benefits)
Here are some proven benefits of colonics:
Increased energy
Improved circulation
Clearer skin & eyes
Mental clarity
Better digestion
Relief from bloating and heaviness
Weight normalizing
Removing the waste material from the colon literally destroys the habitat for the harmful bacteria. Additionally, a clean colon still functions as a last resort for the digestion. The immune system gets strengthened so the body becomes more protected against various health conditions such as:
constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel, bloating, excessive gas, indigestion, allergies, candida overgrowth, skin problems, brittle nails and hair, abnormal body odor, unpleasant breath, backache, stiffness, arthritis, fatigue, insomnia, poor concentration, and headaches.
Who Can Benefit from machine nettoyage colon?
Liver and kidney disease
Chronic gastroenteritis
Immunological deficiency
Abnormal blood pressure
High concentration of uric acid
Fear of cancer
Gynecological disease
Chase of health fashion
Apositia, fatigue
Long time of insomnia
Nervous and irritable
Longing for health, longevity and beauty.
1 Medical use
A: Gastroenterology department:
Clean colon, chronic colitis, ulcerative colitis, Constipation, diarrhea, intestinal obstruction, bowel dysfunction, acute pancreatitis
B: General surgery department:
Intestinal cleansing before abdominal surgery, Control of cross infection after abdominal surgery, Conservative treatment in the late stage of bowel cancer, Hemorrhoids, colitis.
C: Traditional Chinese medicine department:
Coloclyster, Keep enemas with drugs, prostatitis, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, chronic pelvic inflammation.
D: Nephrology department:
Colon dialysis, chronic renal failure, Senile renal failure, Early chronic renal insufficiency.
2 Health club and wellness club
As the concept of colon hydrotherapy is quite popular in American and Europe, so there are many health and wellness clubs which provide colon hydrotherapy service.
The concept of cleanse colon, remove toxin, keep healthy, keep fitting by colon hydrothearpy are well accepted by people in Europe and America.
3 Household and personal use
In history many famous people like colon hydrotherapy very much.
*Diana, the princess of England, she regularly clears her intestines.
*Clinton, the former President of the United States, has a special “bowel room” in his home and employs three people to wash his intestines regularly.
*Mariah Carey, one of Hollywood’s most popular stars, had previously been fattening and has been able to lose weight through a spa treatment.
*Soong mei-ling, begin from a young age, every night before going to bed to intestinal spa defecation, decades, never stopped, and is now many people relish the healthy longevity.
Nowadays people will buy colon hydrotherapy and use in their house, whom has constipation and colon disease.
Machine nettoyage colon Here Quick Way to Get
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